الجمعة، 17 ديسمبر 2021

تحديث مشروع 501

Absolute collapse of beta based P501 protocols declared: L0 grid ratio outside of HVBN minus infinity, recovery p=0.000. Modulation of gamma based P501 protocols requested, in progress. L1/L2 extraction protocols to form the motherboard with IS:IS ELCONV.exe, with mdispersion isidic antarionid hyperphase DL scattering, protocols to be published here as soon as ready.




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  المصدر: https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2024/05/vamos-gente-de-agartha.html الترجمة: https://al-intissar-lel-noor.blogspot.com/ لكي يتم إع...